January 11, 2023

Aloo Foundation
Kassim is the first Aloo Foundation scholarship recipient. Starting our journey together in primary school then secondary school, he is now getting his diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery.
We first met Kassim when he was in the 3rd grade. He was a student at our partner school at White Rose Academy in Mtomondoni Village, in rural Mombasa.
Kassim grew up near the village by Aloo Farms with his mom, dad, sister Rukiah and baby sister Gift. When we met, Kassim's father had recently passed away due to complications from AIDS and his mother had just been diagnosed. He was taking care of his mom and two younger sisters, aged 6 and 1. Kassim was only 10 years old.
Thanks to the generous group of monthly donors we were able to give Kassim our first major long term scholarship. Because of these donors, Kassim not only finished primary school, but he also graduated at the top of his class in secondary school.
Today, Kassim is currently enrolled at North Coast Medical Training College getting his diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery.
Kassim is the first in his family to go on to secondary school and college.